martes, 22 de abril de 2008

maya expressions

this is an inermediate exercise, a tooling exercise
and a tip for all of those who try to script scenarios with variable ammount of geometry

rather than time-flow control trough looping procedures, expressions can control the scene based on, for example, the current frame, a feature that can be in turn controlled linearly through the time controls of the maya interface


in the example, a cube is created and moved randomly every 5 frames...
well not "every" but as follows:
#cubes = currentFrame/5
check the timeline, and the cubes... a jump in teh timeline of 100 frames means 20 new randomized cubes placed all of a sudden!

as simple as...

expression -s "myPlaceCubesProcedure();" -o "" -alwaysEvaluate 1 -unitConversion all ;

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